5th - 8th OCTOBER 2024

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Tessa Kortekaas

The reigning winner of the Škoda Titan Desert Morocco, Tessa Kortekaas, has started strongly in her debut in Almeria. The Dutchwoman has won the stage and leads the GC with four minutes ahead of Ariadna Ródenas, her immediate rival for the winner’s fossil of this Škoda Titan Desert Almería. Kortekaas admitted to being “surprised” by […]

José Manuel Moreno Periñán

The Škoda Titan Desert Almería always attracts big names from the sports world. Whether from road and mountain biking itself or from other disciplines: motor racing, basketball, tennis and, of course, track cycling. José Manuel Moreno Periñán is a name that is perhaps not so recognisable to the younger generation, but in 1992, three decades ago, […]

Experience the
Škoda Titan Desert Almería
