Through these Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the “Conditions”) we present you with information about the online platform https://www.titandesertksa.es, hereinafter, the “Platform” or “Web”). The access and/or use of the Web implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of these conditions of use, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract concluded in writing and signed.

Its observance and compliance will be enforceable with respect to any person who accesses and/or uses the Web. If you do not agree with the terms set forth, do not access and/or use the Platform. By accepting the “terms of use” the participant states that he has read, understands, understands and agrees with what is stated here.


Website owner

  • Owner: RPM RACING, SLU., (hereinafter, “RPM SPORTS”),
  • NIF: B61514360
  • Registered office: Avenida de la Granvia de L’hospitalet, 8 -10 7th FLOOR, L’hospitalet de Llobregat, 08902, Barcelona
  • Email: info@titandesert.com

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, better known as LSSI-CE, RPM SPORTS is the sole owner and responsible for the content published on the Web.

We inform you that this website hosts advertising content.

Web and events manager and operator

  • Holder: RPM Racing S.L.U (hereinafter, “RPM”),
  • NIF: B61514360
  • Registered office: Avenida de la Granvia de L’hospitalet, 8 -10 6th FLOOR, L’hospitalet de Llobregat, 08902, Barcelona
  • Email: dpo@rpmsports.es

In accordance with the Data Protection regulations, RPM is solely responsible for the processing of data collected by the Platform.


The Web is an online platform where users can access sporting events managed by RPM and register for them.

The registration to the event, which will be through the specific form enabled for it, the participant must include their real and truthful data through said Web form, an essential requirement, to be able to correctly manage our service. Calling users in the context of these Conditions, “participants”.

The events can be free or onerous, specifically indicating in the description of the events the pecuniary nature of the same.


The purpose of these Conditions is to establish the contracting terms for the participants who participate in the different sporting events. Likewise, it is understood that a person becomes a user of the Platform at the moment in which they accept the Conditions of Use and/or the Privacy Policy set out therein, it is enough for them to visit it.

In any case, RPM reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, these Conditions, making them public together with the date of publication, through the Web, always attending to modification criteria that are aimed at improving the service, greater clarity and better protection of consumers and users.

Below, everything that can and cannot be done during access, navigation, registration and use of the Web is indicated.


El acceso y navegación en la Plataforma no requieren registro de los usuarios, sin embargo, se requiere de los participantes completar el formulario de inscripción para que puedan participar en los distintos eventos deportivos.

RPM solicita que cualquier abuso o vulneración de las presentes Condiciones de Uso que se detecte y, en particular, aquéllos que afecten a menores, sean comunicados inmediatamente a través de los medios de contactos indicados.


    5.1 Registration form for the event

    The registration to the event will be done through the specific form enabled for it, the participant must include their real and truthful data through said Web form, an essential requirement, to be able to correctly manage our service.

    Under no circumstances will RPM be responsible for the veracity of the registration data provided by the participants, so each of them is responsible for the possible consequences, errors and failures that may subsequently arise from the lack of veracity of the data.

    The RPM team can contact the participant at any time, so that he can prove his real age by providing a photocopy of his ID or an equivalent document. If this information is not provided within the indicated period, RPM reserves the right to cancel the registration of the participant to the event in question.

    The data of the DNI or the document that is provided will be used solely and exclusively by authorized RPM personnel to carry out the identification task, in no case, will it be used for another purpose. REGISTRATION OF THE PARTICIPANT TO THE DIFFERENT EVENTS

    5.1 Registration form for the event

    The registration to the event will be done through the specific form enabled for it, the participant must include their real and truthful data through said Web form, an essential requirement, to be able to correctly manage our service.

    Under no circumstances will RPM be responsible for the veracity of the registration data provided by the participants, so each of them is responsible for the possible consequences, errors and failures that may subsequently arise from the lack of veracity of the data.

    The RPM team can contact the participant at any time, so that he can prove his real age by providing a photocopy of his ID or an equivalent document. If this information is not provided within the indicated period, RPM reserves the right to cancel the registration of the participant to the event in question.

    The data of the DNI or the document that is provided will be used solely and exclusively by authorized RPM personnel to carry out the identification task, in no case, will it be used for another purpose.

Regardless of whether the participants register for free or onerous events, the participants are responsible for the information they include in their registration, assuming full responsibility that may arise from all of this. RPM is not responsible for any of the actions that said participants may carry out, thus leaving RPM exempt from any liability that may arise from any claim for actions or omissions carried out by the participant that violate the rights of third parties and/or violate the regulation on intellectual and industrial property, or any other rules of the applicable legal system.

The registration of minors under eighteen (18) years of age is prohibited, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of these Conditions. In case of registration by a minor of said age, it will be presumed that it has been done with the prior and express authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, notwithstanding that RPM reserves the right to carry out as many verifications as it deems appropriate.

Likewise, we inform the participants that in all the events that are published on the Platform, photographs and/or videos will be taken during the celebration of the same. The content obtained in the different events will be used by RPM for purposes (publishing on the web, on the web + social networks, etc.). The registration and participation in the event itself would imply the acceptance of the participant to the capture of the image of the participant for the purpose set forth in the Regulation.

5.2 Price and payment method

Once the data on the form has been completed, the Participant must proceed to pay the amount for registration, and if applicable, the payment for the acquisition of additional material, through the means of payment specified on the Website.

After the payment is made, the Participant will receive an e-mail confirming the registration for the specific event, including if they have purchased additional products (such as, for example, the personalized medal or the photo pack), (i. ) a summary of the items purchased; (ii) the shipping method requested and; (iii) the destination address if applicable.

If at the time of making the payment, an incident occurs that prevents it from being made, the participant will receive an automatic error message, the registration for the requested event not having been processed until the payment of the total amount is successfully completed.

The prices for events and materials are expressed in Euros (€), including taxes and management and shipping costs, the amount of which will be indicated at the time of confirmation of the event in question.

We inform participants that payments will be made through the payment gateways established in our privacy policy.

5.3 Delivery and Acquisition of necessary materials and additional products

For both free and onerous events, different materials will be made available to the Participants, which will be described in the Regulations.

As a general rule, and provided that the Participant has made the full payment and it has been received by RPM, the necessary materials for participation in the event will be delivered together with the number.

In case of acquiring additional products, such as the personalized medal, or the photo pack, these will be governed by the provisions of the Regulations.

RPM encourages Participant to validate any information regarding the materials prior to any use or reliance on such information. RPM also assumes no responsibility for typographical or other errors, or any omissions in the information contained in the material.


6.1. Cancellation of registration.

Participants may request the cancellation of their registration at any time until the date prior to the delivery of the equipment, material and in their dorsal case.

In the case of a registration for an onerous event, we inform you that you can request a refund of the amount paid for the registration if it is reported within the period referenced in the previous section, as well as in the registration specifications.

6.2. Right of withdrawal.

In accordance with article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, the right of withdrawal will not be applicable in in the event that we are dealing with materials made according to the specifications of the consumer and user or they are clearly personalized products.

  1. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTYWhen the participants register in the different events and images are captured during them, and their image is published, the result of said captures can be the image of the participants. Therefore, permission is granted to host, upload, and publish said content through the Platform, and its subdomains, and there may be commercial purposes as determined in the Regulation.

    It is reported that the content can be deleted at any time, without prejudice to the fact that the participants can continue to see what is published if they have shared it on other websites.

    RPM SPORTS, guarantees to be the owner, or where appropriate, to have the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights, for the management of the Platform, without access, navigation on the Platform or registration in the event implying any type of waiver, transfer or total or partial assignment of the property rights of RPM SPORTS in favor of the participants.

    All these contents are duly protected by intellectual property regulations and, where appropriate, industrial, without prejudice to the fact that any person or entity that considers that their rights are being affected may take the legal actions they deem appropriate.

    However, in order to offer a means for you to access, view and use the Platform, it is made available to the participant as an interested party, with the sole purpose of allowing the registration of interested parties, as participants of the different events, being able to access from anywhere on the planet. In any case, any type of reproduction, imitation, transmission, translation, modification, elaboration of derivative work and/or public communication is absolutely prohibited, regardless of the means used for it, otherwise the offending participant assumes all direct or indirect responsibilities. derivatives that could occur.

    The contents hosted on the Web may only be downloaded, reproduced or used in another device or place other than the Web, with the prior written authorization of RPM SPORTS.

  1. PROHIBITIONS AND RULES OF CONDUCTIt is strictly prohibited to communicate by the participants, through the contact channels, content that:

    It can be considered as a violation in any way of the fundamental rights to honor, personal and family privacy or the image of third parties and, especially, of minors.
    Violates the secrecy of communications or involves an infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights or of the regulations governing the protection of personal data.
    Contains “spam” and/or links to sites unrelated to the corresponding space.
    Include advertising or commercial communications, for the issuance of messages for advertising purposes or for the collection of data for the same purpose.

    Additionally, access to or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose, is not permitted and will be the sole responsibility of the participant. By way of example, not limitation:

    Use the Web in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in the device of a third party;
    Use the Website for the transmission, installation or publication of any virus, malicious code or other harmful programs or files;
    Use the Web to collect personal data from other users and/or participants;
    Use the Web illegally, against good faith, morality and public order;
    Break, or attempt to break, the security or authentication measures of the Web or any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent to the content offered on the Web;
    Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Web or in the systems or networks of the provider, as well as in the systems and networks connected to the Web.

    Failure to comply with any of the foregoing obligations may entail the adoption by RPM SPORTS of the appropriate measures protected by Law and in the exercise of its rights or obligations, and may lead to the cancellation of the registration of the offending participant, without the possibility of compensation for damages caused.

    The participant or User who fails to comply with these prohibitions will be responsible for any claim that occurs as a result of it. Even if there is no claim from a third party, access to the Web may be restricted to users who fail to comply with the applicable regulations, as well as these conditions of use.


    In the event that, while browsing through the Platform, any of the situations indicated below are detected, please notify the contact addresses indicated in the heading as soon as possible. Below are some of the situations that are permanently persecuted from the Web:

    Unauthorized use of information relating to minors.
    Uses that could violate the rights to honor, privacy and own image of natural persons, users or not of the Platform.
    Unauthorized use of own or third party personal data, which violates data protection regulations.
    Publication of information regarding false trademarks or illegal imitations of trademarks.

    In any of these or similar cases, the protocol that users must follow in order to respond in the shortest possible time and in the most effective way possible will be as follows:

    Identify the content in question that allegedly violates the regulations or any right.
    Clearly identify the forms of contact selected so that RPM can contact the complainant.
    Prove your identity properly by means of a sufficient official document (DNI or passport).


    We inform you that RPM will be responsible for processing the data provided through the platform, including your browsing data, as well as the data provided as participants in the different events. You can find information about the processing of your personal data in the following Privacy Policy.

    In addition to the above, you are informed that, by accepting these conditions of use of the Platform, you authorize your personal identification data, as well as your position in the final result of the sporting event, to be published through the RPM website. , its mobile application, its social networks, through collaborating entities, as well as the media.

    Please note that such data will be visible to other participants and users of the Platform.

    If you do not agree with the above terms of publication of your personal data and participation, you should not register, nor accept its terms and conditions.


    In order to access and browse the Platform, it is mandatory to be over fourteen (14) years old, as well as to register and participate in the events it is mandatory to be over eighteen (18) years old, or, where appropriate, have prior authorization. and written by their parents and/or legal guardians.

    In any case, RPM SPORTS reserves the right to contact all registered participants to verify their identity and age, in the event that said communication is not attended or is attended with defective or manipulated information, the registration will be withdrawn. inscription.

    In the event that, during navigation, profiles of participants under eighteen (18) years of age are detected, please notify us immediately so that the aforementioned identification protocol can be initiated, in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph 9.


    For the registration of the participants, it is not allowed to provide false data or of which you are not the owner. The use of false or third-party data without your express authorization will be considered identity theft, a fact that constitutes an infraction and, therefore, punishable by current legislation.

    With a view to generating trust for the RPM SPORTS online community, the real identification of the participants behind each of the profiles is essential, so that, in the event that it is detected or presumed that the identity of any of the participants of the Web or any third party unrelated to it, the alleged offender will automatically be identified, requesting a copy of your DNI, passport or similar official document, proceeding to the automatic cancellation of your registration in case of not obtaining the required documentation or not getting a response.

    As soon as there is evidence that any type of situation is taking place that implies the identity theft of a participant, the Security Forces and Bodies will be informed.


    The use of links on the Internet is one of the essences of its operation, which is why the inclusion of links to third-party web pages is expressly enabled, provided that they are legal and lawful, do not contravene laws, morality, public order or generally accepted social norms and are not associated with an economic activity, either direct or indirect.

    In relation to the links published by RPM SPORTS, it undertakes that their content complies with current regulations, as well as with these Conditions, also committing to its immediate withdrawal as soon as it becomes effective knowledge that the linked content does not comply in any way with any of the indications made.

    Regarding the links included by third parties, RPM SPORTS is not responsible for the content that may be hosted on the linked web pages, being them the only ones responsible in this regard. In this sense, if there is knowledge of the illegality of activities carried out through third-party web pages with a link on the Web, RPM SPORTS must be notified immediately so that the access link to it can be disabled. .

    The establishment of any type of link from the Web to another external web page will not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between RPM SPORTS and the person responsible for the external web page.


    The participant assumes that it is not possible to achieve the permanent availability of the Platform, however, RPM works continuously to make it so, adapting all the necessary measures, within the state of the art, to guarantee the operation of the Web and minimize system errors, both from a technical point of view and from the published content.

    The parties will be liable for the infractions that they have incurred personally, the opposing party being harmless against any error, fault or negligence not attributable to it, and any damage arising from said infractions or errors attributable to the other contracting party.

    All technically reasonable efforts will be used to keep its services available through the Platform, which constitutes an obligation that, however, will not apply to any lack of availability or performance caused by:

    Temporary inactivity of the Platform due to updates and/or technical maintenance.
    Causes beyond the control of RPM: force majeure, Internet access problems, technological problems beyond the reasonable and diligent management of the owner of the Platform, actions or omissions of third parties, etc.

    In all the aforementioned cases, beyond the control and due diligence of RPM SPORTS, there will be no compensation for lost profits, damages or losses.

    In case of closure or suspension of the Platform for reasons beyond the control of the parties, the participant will be promptly informed of the transfer of the service to a new domain, only modifying the stipulations of this contract in relation to the domain in which the Platform remains. active.

    However, it is reported that, despite the fact that it makes a permanent effort to classify, filter and select the legal and non-legal content published on the Platform, it cannot permanently guarantee this end, thanking that in the event of detecting any infraction is communicated in the shortest possible time according to the process established in section 9.

    RPM SPORTS will not be responsible for the veracity, integrity or updating of the information published on the Web from sources other than the same. Nor will any responsibility be assumed in terms of hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of the aforementioned information.

    If any of the participants does not fulfill any of its obligations or hinders the fulfillment by the other party of theirs, they must be liable for the damages caused, both for consequential damages and for lost profits.


    The sections of these Conditions must be interpreted independently and autonomously, the rest of the stipulations not being affected in the event that one of them has been declared null or inapplicable by a court ruling or firm arbitration resolution. The affected clause or clauses will be replaced by another or others that preserve the effects pursued by the conditions of use.

    Regardless of the geographical location of the participant or their nationality, and provided that the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, for any litigious matter or conflict that concerns the Web, the Spanish legislation in force in the moment of the litigation, being competent for the resolution of all the conflicts derived or related to the use of the Platform the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).

    To submit claims in the use of RPM SPORTS services, the user can go by mail to the electronic or physical addresses indicated at the beginning of the document.

Updated May 2022
